Share a Sneaker

Please e-mail one or more of the following to

-A Sneaker List: Click HERE for more details.

-A Sneaker Setup: If you know what one of your Sneakers is and you want to write about it but haven’t yet tackled it, feel free to send that in and people can comment with ideas and encouragement for you. And you can always come back again later with the full story!

-A Sneaker Story: This is the full story of why this is a Sneaker for you and what happened when you tried to tackle it. (See below)

-Photos and videos that illustrate your Sneaker experience.

Unless there is questionable content involved, your submission will be posted here on the site! If you would like to anonymously share your experience with others on the site, just mention that in the e-mail and it will be posted under a fake name.

If just writing out your story in a simple narrative form is easiest for you, please just do that and it will be structured for you. However, if you find structure helpful in your writing, try using our three categories while writing your piece.

The categories are:

“SO HERE’S THE DEAL” (an explanation of what your Sneaker is and why it is on your list)

“THE MOMENT OF TRUTH” (what was going on in your head as you prepared to do your Sneaker)

“DRUMROLL PLEASE” (what happened when you actually attempted your Sneaker).

BE SURE TO READ:  Terms & Conditions

*The Sneaker Experiment reserves the right to accept or reject any or all submissions based on appropriateness of content.

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